
Friday, June 24, 2016

Happy Take Your Dog/Pet to Work Day!

Dogs and Pets at work?  
Read the story of my own (crazy) dog,
how we'll both celebrate this very special day

Friday, June 24, 2016
Opinion/Editorial: "Other Views/ Guest Columnist" (Section A-19)

To read the article in its entirety, click on the highlighted title above

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Thing Is: eBook Special


I am excited to announce that for a limited time
June 14 - June 18
will be available for only $0.99!

If you haven't already read the novel, now is the time to purchase a copy for yourself, family and friends.

This heartwarming story--about a romance writer in grief and a crafty therapy dog named Prozac who rescues her--has 77 positive reviews (and counting) on

Click below to purchase the eBook for $0.99 at:

Also, if you've read the novel and enjoyed it, I'd be so grateful if you'd consider leaving a short review (just a sentence) about the book on Amazon, as the more reviews THE THING IS receives on their site, the more promotional opportunities the book will have to reach a wider audience.
Thank you for your help and support...Happy Reading!

To learn more about THE THING IS visit:

Readers everywhere are sure to benefit from a little Prozac in their lives!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Book Club Ideas: Historical Fiction

From My Shelf

Orphan Train (paperback, $14.99, Morrow) by Christina Baker Kline remains a book club favorite. This story about the fictional friendship between a young Irish immigrant and a 91-year-old woman ties in with the history of the trains that transported 200,000 abandoned children put up for adoption in the U.S. at the turn of the 20th century.
The aim of historical fiction is to situate characters--sometimes real, sometimes imagined--amid actual events and backdrops that are accurately rich in detail and/or epic in scope. The genre continues to flourish. Here are some other titles worth a closer look:
Isabelle Allende examines the past and present, youth and old age, in The Japanese Lover (paperback $16, Atria, July), a novel about destiny, sacrifice and redemption. The story is set in a senior home, but the details are anchored in 1939, when an eight-year-old Polish girl flees the Nazis and goes to live with her aunt and uncle in San Francisco. There, the girl makes friends--and eventually falls in love--with a Japanese boy interned in the United States following Pearl Harbor.
Lee Smith sets Guests on Earth (paperback, $14.95, Algonquin) in 1936 in Highland Hospital, a noted psychiatric facility in Asheville, N.C. Smith examines ideas of sanity versus insanity, art and madness via her orphaned, 13-year-old protagonist, Evalina Toussaint. Evalina is institutionalized and falls under the spell of flamboyant Zelda Fitzgerald (wife of author F. Scott Fitzgerald) who was an actual patient in the hospital before a tragic, suspicious fire killed her and several other women.
The Civil War and the horrors of slavery infuse The Invention of Wings (paperback, $17, Penguin) by Sue Monk Kidd, a tale inspired by the life of 19th-century abolitionist and suffragist Sarah Grimké. Kidd tackles issues of race, gender, activism, religion and feminism via the creation of two richly drawn characters: the strong-willed daughter of a wealthy South Carolina plantation owner and her personal slave whom she seeks to liberate.

Note: This column (published 6/10/16) has been reprinted with the permission of Shelf AwarenessShelf Awareness for ReadersLink HERE to read the article as it originally appeared.