
Friday, September 10, 2021

The 20th Anniversary of 9-11-2001 : The Attack on the World Trade Center

Hard to believe it's been 20 years since the terrorist attacks of 9-11-01 in the USA...The world has really changed since then! 

The Wall Street Journal (via writer-journalist Anne Michaud) pays beautiful homage to personal stories surrounding the 9-11-01 attack on the World Trade Center...I'm pleased and proud that my own experience/memory has been included. 

The story I share centers on my meeting, by chance, a 9-11 Police widow on the last night of the Tribute in Light memorial at Ground Zero--the very first installment of that monument commemoration that ended on April 14, 2002. I was greatly moved by the encounter and took a photograph that night--a photograph that remains close to my heart...Learn the story behind the story (and the photograph) in the article...God Bless America and all those personally impacted by the terrible attacks...and God Bless the USA. I/We will never forget!

Link to read the article HERE

Thank you Anne Michaud!