
Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Dead Romantics

A refreshingly fun, energetic novel about a romantically disillusioned, blocked romance writer whose beliefs about love are transformed by a handsome ghost.

Ashley Poston’s fun, lighthearted novels for young adults offer a blend of magical realism infused with wit and romance. Geekerella is a clever send-up about what happens when a nerdy Cinderella-type attends a Sci-fi convention. In Heart of Iron, a princess in outer-space must find her way back home with the help of lovable misfits.


The Dead Romantics, Poston’s first book for adults, a romantic comedy, centers on Florence Minerva Day, a smart, snarky millennial who is nursing a broken heart and suffering from writer’s block. Florence is emotionally on the skids. Having published a romance novel that received a less-than-stellar reception, downtrodden Florence became an assistant-turned-ghostwriter for Ann Nichols, one of “romance’s greats”—a well-established, popular author who hasn’t left her home in Maine for the five years that Florence has been the secret source behind her writing success. In the midst of her depression, Florence is floundering, too turned off by love to write about it and meet a looming deadline--already extended three times--to finish and deliver Nichols’s next book to the new editor at her publishing house, Benji Andor. The handsome hottie is cold and no nonsense. He totally unnerves Florence by threatening legal action if the new Nichols book isn’t turned in asap.


Amidst Florence’s intent to finish the manuscript, she runs into her ex, also a writer, a man who stole the story of Florence’s own life—personal secrets she shared with him about her family and their funeral home business and how Florence interacts with ghosts--and turned her story into a book that sold at auction for a million dollars. Weary after seeing her successful, user-ex again and faced with the impending writing deadline, Florence’s life further tailspins when she is summoned from her home in Hoboken, N.J., back to Mairmont, South Carolina to deal with the devastating sudden death of a family member. Being back in a place she longed to escape suddenly resurrects the past and elicits the presence of a handsome ghost who wrenches Florence from her rut and upends her beliefs about love.


Romance, chaos and ratcheting complications are central components to Poston’s refreshingly fun, spunky romcoms—and The Dead Romantics is no exception. The beauty and charm of Poston’s storytelling continues to make miraculous happy endings out of the messes from which ordinary people often find themselves embroiled.


The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston

Berkley (Penguin Books), $16.00 paperback, 368 pages, 9780593336489

Publication Date: June 28, 2022

To order this book on INDIEBOUND link HERE


NOTE: To read this review as published on Shelf Awareness for the Book Trade (May 3, 2022 ), link HERE


NOTE: To read a condensed version of this review on Shelf Awareness: Reader's Edition (July 1, 2022), link HERE