Strout's morally complex novel
focuses on an American community in turmoil, in particular one Maine family, three adult siblings, embroiled in tensions that
escalate cultural and familial divides.
During the lively, engaging talk
entitled, "Concept to Completion," Strout discussed in depth the
seven-year process of crafting her latest novel and the importance of fiction.
Strout had been thinking about The
Burgess Boys since writing Abide
with Me (published in 2006). The childhood incident surrounding the Burgess children
was actually mentioned in an early draft of that novel, but never made it into
the finished product.
deems herself a "slow writer," often riddled with "panic and
anxiety" about her work. She does
not write her books linearly from beginning to end. Rather her curiosity is
"innocent and earnest . . . I do not want to present anything
straightforward. Life is a mess,"
she said. "If you want to become an
accurate writer (of old fashioned realism) you need to acknowledge that
Character or "an abiding
image" is what propels Strout
into her work. Themes
and storylines gradually evolve through writing, and she "follows her characters"
often allowing them to "behave badly."
"I am not there to
judge," said Strout.
She discussed how the prologue of The Burgess Boys emerged five years
into the writing of the novel and how she took great pains and had to make
"huge decisions" over individual sentences to make those few
short pages "truthful in tone and content." They offer the reader an intimate introduction
to the world of the book and provide a map outlining the journey taken over the
course of the story.
"I am constantly battling
between what I feel the reader needs and what I feel is truthful," she
said. "Fiction is truer than most of the nonfiction we read because in
fiction one can stay closer to the facts."
Cultural differences play a big
part in the fabric of The Burgess Boys - whether a diversity of cultural lifestyles of those in the same family and/or
cultural differences between Americans and Somali (Muslim) refugees. Strout did extensive research into the Somali way of life and also did field work in prison systems
in Maine and New York City in order to bring authenticity to the narrative. At
times, learning about these cultural disparities became a rude awakening.
Strout believes that, "Novels
are there as a social tool to bring the news and make readers understand that
people are more alike than they are different. And while those differences can
be significant, the only way we can really touch each other's shoulders is
through fiction. We only have each other."
When asked during the Q&A
about specific books on craft that have influenced her writing, Strout cited War
and Peace and The
Journals of John Cheever.
"These books are not specifically about craft, but they've greatly
instructed me in my work."
Photographs by Kathleen Gerard. Please reprint with permission.